

Distributeur Algérie


Business Field:Distributor General Industry, Distributor Paint and Color Industry

Amenhyd is an Algerian private company, leader in the water and environment sectors, Amenhyd designs, realizes and deploys tailor-made solutions for: Water mobilization, Waste management, Treatment of industrial pollutants, Civil and industrial construction, Civil and industrial deconstruction. Amenhyd has unparalleled expertise and cumulative experience in environment-related trades; with a turnover of 82$ Million USD and nearly 2,600 employees as of December 31, 2018, it is the author of major works carried out across the national territory and aims to be a benchmark in Africa in its sector. AMENHYD carries out its activities on behalf of public authorities as well as that of players in the industrial sector. Designing and implementing high-tech solutions is the passion that drives each of Amenhyd's employees; his experience feedback and its references allow it to constantly push the limits of his field of action. Amenhyd constantly strives for quality and performance, and the best reward for the efforts made and the challenges taken up comes from the satisfaction of its customers and the beneficiaries of the solutions it delivers.

Address:City Boushaki F N°28 Bab Ezzouar

Person:Rachida KHIMOUD
Phone:+2130 23 83 21 22
Mobile:+2130 5 50 05 69 33
Fax:+213 0 23 83 29 28